Afro Cosmic Art
Core values that define the overall nature of my work and represent the essence of my art.
12 African Gods and Goddesses: The Orisha Pantheon
In African Mythology, the Yoruba people very well received the notion of an omnipotent sky god looking over all things that live on Earth.
Finding Geometry in Nature
Whether you’re taking a hike, gardening in your backyard, or even taking a walk around your neighborhood, math is all around you. Not just in the architecture of the buildings you see, or the physics and chemistry that goes into making streets and sidewalks, but also in nature itself.
African Mythology
In African oral cultures, myths embody philosophical reflections, express values, and identify moral standards.
The History of Color
The rainbow used to have just 5 colors – until 1704 when Sir Isaac Newton added orange and indigo to the list simply because he had a fondness for the supposedly mystical properties of the number 7.